Well stimulation and rehabilitation is a major expense in many well completions and workovers.
The premature shut-In of wells and marginal fields is an increasing problem in the oil and gas production sector. Once a field has been shut-in, in most cases the remaining resources will be abandoned due to the increasingly high cost of re-establishing production of the field. RDS – with its radial drilling technology – addresses problems of marginal fields and challenges established oil & gas service companies and their well stimulation techniques.
Invent, Build; Deploy
RDS is active in the technology development area with tool and equipment design, manufacturing and testing.
The main activity is the provision of radial drilling services. These services are contracted directly to the oil and gas industry with the provision of radial drilling systems including technical and operating personnel.The company offers geological and reservoir technical assistance required for the screening and selection of candidate wells that have potential to increase production through application of radial drilling technology.
RDS is active in the technology development area with tool and equipment design, manufacturing and testing.
All services are dispatched and supported from RDS headquarters in Houston, Texas and regional operating centers in main activity areas.